Intelligems: A/B Testing

Below you can find Intelligems: A/B Testing Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of A/B Testing apps. Intelligems: A/B Testing app was developed by Intelligems. The rating is 4.8 based on 92 reviews. Intelligems: A/B Testing price From $99/month. Free trial available.

Launch date: December, 2021

Intelligems: A/B Testing summary.

Easy AB Tests that boost profit. Test out themes, content, prices, shipping rates, offers, and more. Maximize your store's profit through A/B testing with Intelligems. Split test anything on your site in just a few clicks: Content Testing lets you experiment with themes, landing pages, UX and content to boost conversion and reduce CAC. Our Profit Optimization plan helps you find the "sweet spots" in your pricing, offers, shipping rates & thresholds, to boost profit. Our team of experts has run thousands of split tests, and helped transition many teams from Google Optimize to Intelligems.

Intelligems: A/B Testing features.
  • AB test themes, templates, copy, content, & landing pages to supercharge revenue
  • AB test product prices, shipping rates/thresholds to find profit opportunities
  • Maximize profit by creating segmented, personalized content, offers, and prices
  • Experiment with & personalize offers and discounts to measure incremental impact
  • Track 100+ metrics, export raw data, and measure stat sig using our dashboard

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