Abandonment Protector + SMS
Below you can find Abandonment Protector + SMS Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Abandoned Cart Recovery apps. Abandonment Protector + SMS app was developed by Sendvio. The rating is 4.9 based on 332 reviews. Abandonment Protector + SMS price $8/month. 30-day free trial. Additional charges may apply.
Abandonment Protector + SMS summary.
- Build your Email & SMS list. Choose among multiple popup templates to create popup forms depending on your customer's behavior. Always in compliance with GDPR/TCPA.
- Email & SMS automation. Create marketing strategies depending on your customer's behavior! Abandoned carts, Pending orders, Win-back, Thank you messages, and more!
- How are we different?. No additional fees for the number of subscribers. No Popup views limit. All features included. Premium phone & email support.
Abandonment Protector + SMS features.
- Trusted by more than 150,000 Shopify stores over the years, Abandonment Protector is the Email & SMS marketing platform preferred by successful shop owners.
- SMS automation
- Email automation
- Popup forms
- Newsletter / Email marketing
- Switching from another provider?