Digital Takeout: Clear Pricing

Below you can find Digital Takeout: Clear Pricing Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of All-in pricing apps. Digital Takeout: Clear Pricing app was developed by Digital Takeout. The rating is 5 based on 2 reviews. Digital Takeout: Clear Pricing price $9.99/month. 7-day free trial.

Launch date: March, 2018

Digital Takeout: Clear Pricing summary.

Show your customers all the costs they pay before checkout! Avoid surprised customers who'll turn away. Clear Pricing by Digital Takeout allows you to show the all-in price to your customers including product price, VAT and shipping fees. Or use Clear Pricing to attract new customers from overseas by selling VAT free. * Avoid customers that turn away because of 'hidden' fees * Works in every store * Easy to setup This app requires no coding and is operated through an easy to use,...
Best reviews:
Date: April 03, 2018
Author: Nicheshoping
Great app, which is working without any bugs! Support is really responsive and helpful. I can only recommend. Show more
Date: April 02, 2018
Author: Worldofhombre
This app shows our customers the total price before checking out, resulting in a conversion rate boost! Does not work with 3rd party carriers yet unfortunately. Didn't know that and contact developer who responded within 30 mins. Keep it up! Show more

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