Sales Countdown Timer by TS

Below you can find Sales Countdown Timer by TS Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Countdown Timer apps. Sales Countdown Timer by TS app was developed by TechSimple. The rating is 4.8 based on 77 reviews. Sales Countdown Timer by TS price $5.92/month. 5-day free trial.

Launch date: September, 2017

Sales Countdown Timer by TS summary.

# CHRISTMAS READY: Your best urgency and scarcity app to get the most out of the upcoming Christmas holyday! # Boosts Your Sales Up just using the Power of Urgency and Scarcity that Revy Countdown Timer provides. What happens every day in your store: Shoppers have a natural tendency to delay the purchasing decision as long as possible. The vast majority of shoppers that leave your product page will never return. This abandonment means their cash isn’t going into your pocket. # Use Revy...
Best reviews:
Date: December 02, 2020
Author: CROSBY
This is a convenient app to increase urgency for our customers! Customer service is responsive and helpful. Show more
Date: October 22, 2020
Author: Bedroom Bloom
Great app. Pretty cool. It lets me put up a timer just like it's advertised. Many different options to customize. Show more
Date: August 15, 2020
Author: Lighthouse
Affordable, sleek design, and gives convenient options for changing the position of the timer (e.g. under the trust badge). Solid app. 10/10 Show more
Date: August 13, 2020
Author: Fun Zone
it was great wow so amazing love it a lot will use it again in the future wow this is something i have never seen before Show more
Date: November 23, 2021
Author: Spectrum Collections
Used this app during our sales to create urgency and it works so well. Easy to style and looks great on site! Show more

Worst reviews:
Date: January 14, 2019
Author: iSalePrice
I uninstalled the app the day of billing and vendor refuses to do a refund and expects me to pay for next month. Charge Back is coming !!! This is not a vendor you should do business with. Show more

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