Evey Events & Tickets

Below you can find Evey Events & Tickets Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Events apps. Evey Events & Tickets app was developed by Kable Commerce. The rating is 4.9 based on 58 reviews. Evey Events & Tickets price Free plan available. 14-day free trial. Additional charges may apply.

Evey Events & Tickets summary.
  • Sell Tickets to Your Events. Sell tickets to your events, calendar scheduler, manage guests. Guests get their beautifully designed tickets with their own ticket page.
  • Check-In Event Guests. Use our mobile apps to scan, verify, and check-in guests. Check-in info from all scanning devices available together in a single dashboard.
  • No-code customize your event. Guests receive customizable event tickets and emails/SMS, or use our default templates. No-code editor. Translations support for everything.

Evey Events & Tickets features.
  • Features to help you sell tickets
  • Attendee management and features for running your events
  • Customization features

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