Verified Product Badges

Below you can find Verified Product Badges Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Product validation apps. Verified Product Badges app was developed by Architechpro OÜ. The rating is 0 based on 0 reviews. Verified Product Badges price $4.99/month. 5-day free trial.

Launch date: September, 2018

Verified Product Badges summary.

Our Verified Products app lets merchants easily feature certain products with badges Our Verified Products app lets merchants easily feature certain products with badges near product's title by verifying them. Trusted products can be highlighted with an attractive display of "Verified Icon" in a shape of check mark or a star.

Verified Product Badges features.
  • Feature handpicked products from your brand
  • Encourage customers to convert their purchases by selecting reputable products
  • Change verification badge's shape and color scheme easily

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