Wishlist Club
Below you can find Wishlist Club Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Wishlist apps. Wishlist Club app was developed by WebContrive. The rating is 5 based on 129 reviews. Wishlist Club price From $4.99/month. Free trial available.
We provide guest, multiple, and share wishlist options to attract customers and boost sales. Empower your customers to save their favorite products for future purchases. Boost sales effortlessly with our Guest, Multiple, and Share Wishlist features. Stay ahead of the competition by utilizing Price Drop, Re-stock, and Back in Stock alerts to entice customers and drive up sales and order revenue. Our Auto Email Reminders feature enhances AOV by keeping customers engaged. Gain valuable insights through our insightful analytics to effectively manage products and user wishlists.
- Let customers wishlist their favorite products for later purchases.
- Display wishlist icon on Home, Collection & Product pages to boost conversion.
- Price Drop, Re-stock, and Back in Stock alerts, enticing shoppers to return.
- Track live update of products and users wishlist to improve performance.
- Automated emails of wishlist products for targeting buyers and generate orders.