Shopify platform offers a huge selection of different themes that are optimized for speed, every possible layout and screen resolution. It does not matter, whether your customers see your site from a tablet, smartphone desktop or laptop, your store is displayed perfectly with Editorial theme by Switch. This theme has 4.80 stars and offers free support.

reviews Editorial by Switch for shopify


A publishing-focused theme, designed for brand storytelling.
$220 USD

Reviews (last 4 reviews)

Total: 28 review (96% positive)

Azestfor Jun 16, 2022

The developers updated this theme to make it 2.0 and it has lost 75% of the functionality that the vintage version had. Its a shell of its former self. Does not work as expected. Other apps widgets in our marketing stack are not available said its not a proper 2.0 theme. It does not appear to be supported by the developers. Jun 09, 2022

Awesome theme and incredible support!!!

LIBRA Nov 24, 2021

The Switch team is unbelievably amazing, helpful, and kind. They go above and beyond to answer questions even when they relate to problematic apps not working on their beautiful themes. I found their themes to be beautiful, functional, and intuitive. Highly recommend to get a theme from them!

M AAH Mar 03, 2021

Switch Themes is a great partner to work with. Very helpful and so friendly!

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