Back in Stock & Restock Alerts

Below you can find Back in Stock & Restock Alerts Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Back in Stock apps. Back in Stock & Restock Alerts app was developed by Shop Circle. The rating is 4.4 based on 122 reviews. Back in Stock & Restock Alerts price Free plan available. Additional charges may apply.

Launch date: November, 2016

Back in Stock & Restock Alerts summary.

Notify customers via email, SMS, or push notifications when desired products are back in stock. Maximize sales and loyalty with back in stock notifications! Be ahead of your competition by leveraging the power of Email, SMS, and push alerts. Keep customers informed about their desired products becoming available and drive them back to your store for increased sales. Drive repeat purchases with personalized offers via restock notifications, creating urgency. Boost conversion rates with SMS alerts in 200+ countries. Choose from various widget styles to fit your store.

Back in Stock & Restock Alerts features.
  • Recover lost sales - automated alerts for back in stock products.
  • Leverage SMS, email, and push notifications for compelling back in stock alerts.
  • Acquire customer data to optimize retargeting efforts for sales or promotions.
  • Real-time updates on out of stock alerts with push notifications.
  • Manual back in stock alerts, Custom CSS, Notification filters, resend, and more!
Best reviews:
Date: January 17, 2022
Author: TIDL Store
This app has already driven sales for us. Its really simple to install, use and provides the best shopping experience for our customers. Its also really cost effective. A must have for any start up or growing store. Show more
Date: January 05, 2022
Author: Puriri Lane
This app has really helpful our small business especially during COVID-19 with supply issues . It has also reduced my workload as I no longer get product enquiries about "when will this be available" Amrinder was amazing with the set up and is always so very quick to respond and super helpful. I would definitely recommend this App. Show more
Date: December 16, 2021
Author: Let's Truck
Love this app. It's way more than a simple "email when back in stock" app. The team is also one of the most responsive developers I've worked with. Thanks Eastside Co. Show more
Date: April 12, 2022
Author: Sasta
Their support made my visual dreams come true whit patient and the app looks so clean in our store now. I haven´t got many clients to use it yet but i did some quick testes and it works perfectly! Show more
Date: June 13, 2022
We had a js issue on installing the app, which includes a bit of debugging and customization. Amrinder was very responsive and fixed the issue in one day! We really enjoy communicating and the whole process. Best of the best! Really appreciate the help! Show more

Worst reviews:
Date: February 27, 2021
I was charged $5 immediately after installing the app, but the app did not take effect in my store. I have deleted it. Show more
Date: June 11, 2019
We were excited about the SMS features BUT in testing the SMS feature texts are not being received on phones using Spring & T-Mobile & Google Fi. Tech Support has NOT been able to fix or isolate this issue. Show more
Date: May 28, 2019
Author: Good Dog People™
Paying peanuts for the app so don't be surprised if you're getting lukewarm support. I've asked for help to customise the email notification. Also asked if we can receive a test email. The out of stock form is also not appearing on selective product pages. Took them 5 days to tell me to clear browser cache and use my own CSS stylesheet to customise the form. Well done, East Side Co. Show more
Date: November 11, 2018
Author: NICORA
Been using it for a few months because we are stuck with it since customers started waitlisting our products. One, it is incredibly slow and crashes nearly every single use. Two, it does not let you send to just one SKU, its actually quite random how it decides to send the alerts, you definitely cannot control it much within the app. Limiting this to three, sometimes it just decides not to send the alert to the customers at all... still not able to determine why this happens. Show more
Date: October 08, 2018
Author: Lupsona
The customer service deleted my lastest 3 theme backups (lastest 3 theme backups!!!! ) without my agreement. Yeah, they really did it! I still can't believe it! The asked me to ask for shopify support to recover, but shopify support replied that they had no backup. WTF? You can try this exprience again if you like to install this app. Show more

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