Tipo Appointment Booking

Below you can find Tipo Appointment Booking Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Calendar apps. Tipo Appointment Booking app was developed by Tipo. The rating is 4.5 based on 342 reviews. Tipo Appointment Booking price Free plan available. 7-day free trial.

Launch date: November, 2019

Tipo Appointment Booking summary.

Booking availability 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Cut workforce labor significantly. Easy Appointment Booking Allow clients to book a course/sport/service and more. Appointments and staff are well managed in the admin calendar(events calendar).

Tipo Appointment Booking features.
  • Booking Management - Track appointments with detailed booking information.
  • Google Calendar Sync - Facilitate employees’ and customers’ personal schedule
  • Customizable design - Font, color and background image of the appointment form
  • Additional custom fields: You can add any type of custom fields to booking form
  • Automatically send email notifications to customers and employees
Best reviews:
Date: January 08, 2023
Author: Chess Seed
Best Free plan compared to all other apps! The only thing is customer support can be slow at times. Still 5/5 because of the quality of the app. Show more
Date: December 20, 2022
Author: Poured by Iazzetti Home
The support for this app is outstanding! I had issues setting up the booking app to my site and was walked through every step within 24 hours. Some responses were within minutes! So happy I found this app! Show more
Date: January 13, 2023
Good apps for booking, calendars and different kind of business like courses and all. Support was very helpfull and I appreciate how fast they can answer our questions and fix problems. Thanks ;-) Show more
Date: January 12, 2023
Author: Panzanello Winery
Excellent assistence and good app. They are fast in the answers and they are very kind.... thanks...s Show more
Date: January 26, 2023
Author: true-skincare-1317
The app is really simple to add to your Shopify store page. We have upgraded our plan and now have the ability to add in Extra Fields (questions with check boxes, open text boxes, radio buttons etc) at the end of the booking process which allows us to retrieve any information we require from the customer - really useful tool! Show more

Worst reviews:
Date: March 28, 2021
Author: VilloniBoutique
I was a huge fan of the Tipo Appointment Booking App. The app has started glitching out and not allowing people to book any services, which in turn, is loosing me money. I've contacted support multiple times and no response. I think once the app is completely functional it should get 5 stars. But for now, its causing my business a lot of money Show more
Date: October 11, 2021
Author: Roosterfarms
Absolutely ridiculously un-navigable and disorganized app. Way too many variables that also get default-changed depending on what other service they are connected with. One of my main frustrations is the requirement for certain variants that must also be properly selected by the customer, or else it is not be possible to complete the booking. We have lost many potential bookings because of this. Very NOT designed with the business owner nor the customer experience in mind. Show more
Date: January 31, 2022
Been having lots of double bookings and even a triple booking of different clients for one single availability. Customer service took an eternity to respond to finally say they have other priorities right now than fix this issue. This issue has given my business a bad image as I have to write personally to clients, apologize and reschedule them manually. Awful experience. Show more
Date: August 19, 2022
Author: O2U
The language is setting is not working, after i edited and redesign the form, the entire thing is not updated. many codes have bugs i guess, poorly designed. Some team member must contact me ASAP if you want to retain me as a customer Show more
Date: September 14, 2022
Author: Hounds and Heli's
Extremely disappointed with this app. I went for the paid verson so I could access the extra features including having the ability to have 10 different locations that my customer could book services. It was only after I paid did it become clear that each registered employee could only be available at a single location. For a small business with limited employees, this makes the app pretty much useless. Very misleading information given in the app description prior to purchase. Show more

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