Swym Gift Lists and Registries

Below you can find Swym Gift Lists and Registries Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Gift Registry apps. Swym Gift Lists and Registries app was developed by Swym Corporation. The rating is 4.8 based on 30 reviews. Swym Gift Lists and Registries price Free plan available. Free trial available.

Launch date: March, 2023

Swym Gift Lists and Registries summary.

Engage shoppers, increase store traffic and sales with shareable lists, baby and wedding registries Give your shoppers an option to curate a list of desired gifts for any special occasion and share it with their guests so they can purchase it for them. With Swym Gift Lists and Registries, shoppers can create and share multiple gift registries for Christmas and the upcoming holidays, track gifts, and send personalized “thank-you” notes to gifters. It's is easy to set up, fully customizable, and compatible with all themes. You get in-depth analytics about your customers and their occassions.

Swym Gift Lists and Registries features.
  • Shoppers can create and share their Xmas and holiday gift lists and registries
  • Customize all gift registry actions to suit your store’s theme and branding
  • Incentivize gifters to buy from registries by providing special discounts
  • Protect shoppers’ privacy by hiding their address from gifters during checkout
  • Unify gift registries from your online and retail stores using Shopify POS

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