Alert Me! Price Alerts

Below you can find Alert Me! Price Alerts Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Price Alert apps. Alert Me! Price Alerts app was developed by Dibble Development. The rating is 5 based on 1 reviews. Alert Me! Price Alerts price $5/month. 21-day free trial.

Launch date: May, 2019

Alert Me! Price Alerts summary.

# Automatically bring customers back to your site when you put items on sale or clearance * Alert Me! Price Alerts allows customers to sign up to receive email notifications when you drop the price on a certain product. * Once you’ve got the app installed, you don’t have to worry about anything! When you drop the price on a product, we will automatically email all customers who have signed up for notifications for that product. * Have high demand products you'll never drop the price on? You...
Best reviews:
Date: May 08, 2019
Author: Between The Hedges Shop
Love this app! It helps with slow-moving items to bring customers back once we've had to put the items on clearance. The best part is that it is automated and we do not have to do anything! Great support also! Show more

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