Price Drop

Below you can find Price Drop Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Price Alert apps. Price Drop app was developed by Impress. The rating is 3.5 based on 6 reviews. Price Drop price Free.

Launch date: March, 2019

Price Drop summary.
  • Easy to install. Use our easy Drag-and-drop interface to add a price watch button anywhere on your product page. No coding.
  • Grow your mailing list. We collect marketing consent so subscribers can be exported, and added to your mailing list.
  • Track your sales. We integrate with Shopify's marketing system, so you can track our email conversion rate, automatically.

Price Drop features.
  • Buyer price drop alerts
  • More features
  • Easy to install, no coding
  • Premium support
  • The Impress Story
Best reviews:
Date: October 08, 2019
Author: Keuka Outlet
Wanted to implement a price drop notification in my store but wanted to try it out longer than a few trial days and see how well it worked before spending money on a feature that my customers didn't use. This app works PERFECTLY and is free! Also, customer service is fantastic and extremely fast. Definitely would recommend to other Shopify stores!
Date: May 22, 2019
Author: Trim Buddies LLC
I am still implementing this app and am so happy already with it's ability and how easy it is to use. The customer service has been 5 stars as well, fast responses and very helpful. I strongly recommend this app to anyone on shopify, install this today!
Date: March 26, 2019
See Updates below: This is a new app, but I think the devloper can make this the most cost effective repricing option for shopify. It needs a little work, some features that would be nice to have, and problems scraping price on many web sites, but the devloper has been responsive, and seems to be working toward improvements. Keep an eye on this app, it has lots of potential. Update:03/09/2019 Developer has made great improvements in scraping more web sites. Great job! Update: 03/26/2019 Now supports complex formulas for Min and Max Price, now you never have to manually edit 1,000s of items when your costs change. FANTASTIC! Wow, you realise you've created the most powerful, afordable repricer for shopify LOL I think you will have great success :)
Date: August 30, 2019
Author: Bearded Collectibles
This app was great in the beginning, and then it got slower the more I used it. As of 8/21, I can no longer log in, when attempted it states "We're sorry, but something went wrong. If you are the application owner check the logs for more information." Reported a few issues to no resolve. 1. Added a product to track produced 3 trackers of the same product for some reason 2. Slowness 3. After adding a few trackers, trackers would occasionally not show up on the dashboard. If the app worked correctly it would be the best repricing app on Shopify. Until these items are resolved, it'll remain a 1-star app in my book. ***8/30/19 Update*** Pricespy fixed a lot of the issues and fixed their backend! Super thankful! 1 issue remains and I'm hoping they can get it resolved quickly.

Worst reviews:
Date: August 21, 2019
Author: Kincaid's Is Music
This app got slower the more I used it. Now I can't log in to the app and I have reached out to them twice and they have not replied. It says, "We're sorry, but something went wrong. If you are the application owner check the logs for more information."
Date: September 13, 2019
Author: JokerStars
I just found out the app broke on me without any warning.. Im trying to redo the rapid repricing and it doesn't seem to want to let me to remove and re-add the pricing tools.. I think I should get a one month rebate as Ive now apparently been without a functional app for a month (shows nothing updated for 2 weeks). Im willing to eat the costs if it was working but as I was working on my main server I find out the dynamic pricing tool Im paying for BROKE totally

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