Snoopie: Price Tracking
Below you can find Snoopie: Price Tracking Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Price tracking apps. Snoopie: Price Tracking app was developed by Midsummer Technologies. The rating is 5 based on 3 reviews. Snoopie: Price Tracking price Price: Free.
Get alerts if competitors or wholesalers, distributors add new products or make pricing changes With Snoopie, you can monitor your competitors’s price moves by setting up alerts with one click. Whether you’re looking to be notified when a store adds or removes products, or makes changes to pricing, or adds new collections, Snoopie is here to help. Our app will spy on your competitors and send you email alerts whenever they make new changes.
- Track other stores for changes in prices of products
- Track other stores for new products, removed products or edited product details
- Track other stores for changes to existing product collections
- Track when a product goes out of stock on another store
- Receive instant alerts whenever other stores make any changes