CustomerMeta, Wishlist Compare

Below you can find CustomerMeta, Wishlist Compare Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Product Compare apps. CustomerMeta, Wishlist Compare app was developed by MPIthemes. The rating is 2.7 based on 14 reviews. CustomerMeta, Wishlist Compare price Price: Free.

Launch date: October, 2018

CustomerMeta, Wishlist Compare summary.

# CustomerMeta, Wishlist Compare Features: * Wish list * Compare products * Guest mode * Merge guest lists after login * Top products report * Top customers report * Easy installation * JS API wrapper for customer's meta fields. Allows your front-end developer to add additional information to customer metafields. # Wishlist Wishlist is an important tool for e-commerce now a days. Customers like to browse products many times before purchasing and they want to see all...
Best reviews:
Date: April 30, 2021
Author: EsaModa
But Besides this app, you need to create a piece of code in you theme, so customers can click on it. And then, this app receives that info and saved in you store. Simple. Show more
Date: October 11, 2020
Author: Swift Gift Shop
I use this great FREE app on few my stores and very satisfied ! Great functions for FREE app ! Look very nice ! Thank you ! Show more
Date: January 14, 2019
Author: yousma
the app is ammazing, but how can i remove wishlist and compare icons from my shopify store please i need your help, i removed the app but the icones still existe Show more
Date: August 30, 2021
Author: VOLT
I really appreciate the exposed API. I wish more app developers would be developer friendly instead of forcing you to use their solutions. Show more

Worst reviews:
Date: March 08, 2021
Author: Minasari Home
does not work at all, even if it is compatible. the idea with wish & compare is good, but only if it works Show more
Date: December 17, 2020
Author: TemperamentLube--テンペラメントルブ
I emailed the support address in the manual and got a reply telling me to use their paid support system. Of course, it's a business, so paying for it is not a problem. However, it seems fraudulent to make users install a flawed app, waste their time, and then ask them to pay for a support system. It's a shame because it's a good app if it works properly. Show more
Date: December 09, 2020
Author: Sapphire Jewellery
This app changed my theme and does not work. Shouldn't be around here very unhappy about this app I wouldn't recommend to anyone Show more
Date: February 20, 2020
Author: The Make
Dont work here in my store. Its modificate some basic files what can be a problem, so i un installed it. Show more
Date: July 24, 2021
Author: AhorroMas
I try to unninstall, I first Remove theme assets and still appears on my page. I need to clean this. Please help! Show more

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