LDT Product Compare
Below you can find LDT Product Compare Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Product Compare apps. LDT Product Compare app was developed by LDT Team. The rating is 5 based on 20 reviews. LDT Product Compare price Free plan available. Free trial available.
Save your customer's time to compare product and make them buy the product faster Our app help effortless setup of a robust product comparison feature. Customize the styling to match your brand and easily allow customers to compare products based on various attributes. The responsive design ensures a seamless experience across all devices. Highlight key differences, implement product filtering. Enhance your customer's shopping journey with LDT Product Comparison and enjoy increased engagement, improved decision-making, and heightened sales potential
- No Code Required, Automated Setup, Faster
- Easy to customize color, UI. Supports metafields / custom fields
- Group and Reorder list of attributes for compare page
- Variant comparison, hide similarities / highlight difference
- Translate app text and compare fields