AddSearch Search & Discovery

Below you can find AddSearch Search & Discovery Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Search apps. AddSearch Search & Discovery app was developed by AddSearch. The rating is 5 based on 4 reviews. AddSearch Search & Discovery price From $129/month. Free trial available.

Launch date: January, 2023

AddSearch Search & Discovery summary.

Personalized shopping experience with dynamic filters and product discovery. AddSearch's Intelligent Search & Discovery is built to help you sell more. ⭐️ Personalized search results help your visitors find products that are relevant to them. ⭐️ Auto synonyms, powered by OpenAI technology, delivers correct search results, no matter which words your visitors use to find the products. ⭐️ With the 'Add to Cart' feature in search results, fast checkout becomes the norm. Make every search count with AddSearch and experience personalization at its best.

AddSearch Search & Discovery features.
  • Self-learning algorithm adjusts search results based on visitor patterns.
  • Helps customers check out faster with the add to cart button on search results.
  • Actionable analytics, which gives real-time insights into search statistics.
  • Personalized Search: Tailored results, unique to every shopper's journey.
  • Relevancy toolkit, including pinned results, promotions, and auto synonyms.

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