Trustbadge: Reviews Toolkit
Below you can find Trustbadge: Reviews Toolkit Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Trust Badge apps. Trustbadge: Reviews Toolkit app was developed by Trusted Shops AG. The rating is 23 based on 26 reviews. Trustbadge: Reviews Toolkit price Free to install.
Our products communicate trust while boosting traffic, conversions, and sales Building trust - in just 5 minutes! The Trusted Shops Easy Integration is the easiest and fastest way to convince visitors of the trustworthiness of your online-shop. With just a few clicks, visitors to your online shop can see trust elements such as the Trustbadge® or other on-site widgets, can benefit from buyer protection and are automatically asked for feedback after placing an order.
- Show Trustbadge, integrate Buyer Protection & collect shop reviews
- Present your collected reviews in an appealing and sales-boosting way
- Collect and display Product Reviews
- Configuring Multi-shops within the same plugin
Date: January 20, 2020
Author: Floh Luggage
The support and Trusted Shops team helped us well to integrate and verify the Trusted Badge. We are happy with their product and looking forward to work with them further. Show more
Date: December 18, 2019
Kompetente Hilfe durch Herrn Taguebou. Vielen Dank für den Support und die Fehlerbehebung. Es lag an einem alten Quelltext. Show more
Date: March 22, 2017
Author: Rystyle
excellent app, been using it for a while and its been sitting in the bottom corner of my site at Show more
Date: September 16, 2016
Author: Urbanlifeshop
great app. we on like it! Show more
Date: June 17, 2016
Author: Vintage Heirloom
Great app. If you use the hero slider on your homepage you may find the Trustbadge obscures the mobile menu button. Heres a fix (courtesy of Eberhard at Trusted Shops). It hides the TS banner on the homepage on mobiles only. Pushing the menu down underneath the banner wasn't possible ! Add the following CSS to your theme css file (e.g. Brooklyn add to the bottom of theme.scss.liquid file). Other theme css files may be named differently. /* Trusted Shops - hide on mobile homepage */ body#vintage-heirloom-finest-chanel-bags-amp-designer-accessories.template-index div#tsbadgeResponsiveTop_db8d3657bdbe440c985ae127463eaad4node { display:none !important; } Hope that helps someone. Kevin Show more
Date: September 09, 2020
Author: Craftzaloon
This app is not working! I‘m super frustrated with it. We are paying for Trusted Shop (which is a great thing) but this app is...... sorry guys - no support, no answers, not working Show more
Date: December 27, 2016
Author: Lillypark
So frustrated. The trustbadge for free package is switched off after 10 reviews. I thought the 10 reviews are still displayed even if there is more reviews than 10, because it is said, - Collect unlimited seller reviews and product reviews. - Display the first 10 seller and 10 product reviews. I am so disappointed. Also the paid plan is too expansive! I would better to find another review app. Show more
Date: February 14, 2022
Author: Benu Blanc
I had difficulties with customer services : it takes them 3 to 4 days to get back to you. Technically the widget is not flexible. It is also very expensive as an app and you can only deregister at the anniversary date of the contract. I do not recommend. Show more
Date: August 04, 2022
Author: THEO & EMMA®
Die App hat bei mir nicht funktioniert! Entweder wurde das Widget nicht ausgespielt, oder die Bestelldaten des Kunden wurden für den Käuferschutz nicht an Trusted Shops übergeben. Die App ist in meinen Augen nicht zu empfehlen - ich habe das Widget nach einer freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Rücksprache mit dem Integration Team dann manuell integriert. Jetzt funktioniert es. Für den Preis, den Trusted Shops aufruft, sollte man aber mit einer anderen Qualität an App rechnen können. Show more
Date: January 25, 2023
Author: chair1
Trotz teurem Abonnement ist diese Trusted App nicht kompatibel mit Shopify 2.0. Leider gibt es keine Alternative zu einer jetzt mühsamen manuellen Einbindung in das bestehende Theme und System. Das ist sehr bedauerlich. Show more