Callexa NPS Feedback

Below you can find Callexa NPS Feedback Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Feedback apps. Callexa NPS Feedback app was developed by Copexa GmbH. The rating is 5 based on 4 reviews. Callexa NPS Feedback price Price: Free.

Launch date: December, 2017

Callexa NPS Feedback summary.

Analyze and measure customer sentiment with full automation and customizable survey templates. Install Callexa to send automated surveys based on the Net Promoter Score* after an order has been shipped. Incoming ratings and comments can be synced back to your Shopify order entries or browsed through our convenient dashboard with statistics and reporting functions. Evaluate your shop, service and product quality, get feedback from your customers and track improvements over time. * "Net Promoter Score" is a service mark of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

Callexa NPS Feedback features.
  • Automated surveys a few days after an order has been shipped.
  • Collect valuable comments and feedback in a convenient dashboard.
  • Customer satisfaction statistics based on the proven Net Promoter Score.
Best reviews:
Date: June 01, 2020
Author: Feeser's Direct
This application is exactly what we were looking for in a survey app. Initial NPS survey allowing follow up questions. The integration is simple yet well done also with ratings coming back as tags and comments being added right to the respective order. Great app, highly recommended. Show more
Date: June 10, 2019
Author: So schmeckt Erfolg
This app is absolutely amazing! I definetly recommend it to all business owners who look to improve their service, product and get to know their customer thought in detail! The app itself provides great functionality even in the free plan! Therefore I consider it a must have for every online shop! Great Design, easy to configurate and awesome reporting dashboard. Keep up the great work callexa! Show more
Date: April 25, 2019
Install and integration is easy and thorough. I'm on the free plan and it's already full of valuable nuggets. The setup is a breeze and on first use very, very easy to implement and intuitive. Looking forward to tapping this app for all its worth. Thank you! Show more
Date: January 18, 2016
Author: Babymac
Excellent app. We have been using to request customer's feedback. Easy to configure and use it. MUST HAVE APP Thanks Show more

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