Feedback Rebates

Below you can find Feedback Rebates Shopify app Reviews, Alternatives and prices. Discounts, coupons and promos are also available for some of Feedback apps. Feedback Rebates app was developed by virthium. The rating is 4.6 based on 4 reviews. Feedback Rebates price Free to install. Additional charges may apply.

Launch date: December, 2017

Feedback Rebates summary.

Feedback Rebate is a new sale incentive that is guaranteed to generate new reviews 10X faster. Here is how it works: 1. Buy my product 1. Leave a Review 1. Get a partial Refund Your customers save money; you increase sales and get real customer reviews, everyone wins! Try it for FREE! # Why should I offer Feedback Rebates? * to boost sales * to generate unbiased reviews * to signal high-quality to potential customers # What does this app do? * It provides an...
Best reviews:
Date: January 31, 2021
Author: Reiki Attunement Courses
This is exactly what I was looking for. Simple to use. Initially there was an issue putting the code into my template. I contacted the team and within hours (at the weekend!!) they responded and input the code for me. My webstore template has more than one version and so the code needed to go into the correct version being used. They also gave me good advice for the future. I would recommend without hesitation. Excellent customer service. Thank you! Show more
Date: December 26, 2019
Absolutely awesome customer service. I am not good with HTML code, so they did all the work for me just to make sure I was happy. I've never experienced such amazing service, and I love the app. I recommend for every store owner. Show more
Date: July 27, 2018
Author: Vape Juice
Always a great customer service! Show more
Date: January 28, 2021
Author: Club 7 Menswear
Great customer service and very promising. It would be nicer if you can easily reword some of the text. Show more

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